
TEACH from the HEART - Success

TEACH from the HEART

TEACH from the Heart Logo Mark Image

TEACH from the HEART is a three-level instructional system that helps schools and teachers create student success (TEACH) by using student passions and interests to gain deeper learning (HEART). Each portion of the HEART model (heart, excitement, application, release, transfer) involves research-based instruction designed to promote greater student mastery in the course content while also developing 21st century skills.

Based on cultural and social learning needs, TEACH from the HEART can be used to effectively support students at every point of the learning process. Additionally, the model easily fits into standards from all content areas and provides a powerful framework for advanced studies.


LEAD is a student leadership curriculum that teaches students critical reasoning skills through local and global service projects. Students who enroll in the program develop an authentic solution to a local and global issue.

Over a 9-month period, students research their issue, develop and test their solutions, and then implement those solutions both locally and globally through international travel. The program matches state standards and upon completion, student work can be used for high school graduation requirements (in some states) or included in a college or career entrance portfolio.

LEAD launches every July with a summer intensive institute and then continues throughout the standard school year. Application information can be found below.

TEACH Glow Image
TEACH Animated GIF

Enrollment Information

Enrollment Information Image

Parents, you can find more information about enrollment by visiting the link below.